i still have my old ithaca model 49. it was bought new and given to me by my father for my 10th birthday. way back in 1968!!! the serial numbers start with; 307xxx maybe this will help folks establish some sort of dating system for these models. i know it is not worth much in money, but i will never give or sale this gun to anyone. it will be passed on to my grown son.....who i hope keeps it in the family.
ithaca model 49 serial number lookup
M-49: The Ithaca model 49 was made without serial numbers from its introduction in 1961 to January 1, 1969 when the 1968 Gun Control Act required serial numbers on long guns. There are no records or any other method of determining date of manufacture.
The Ithaca Model 49 was made in the period 1961-1978. Those rifles made before January 1, 1969 will not have a serial number. There are no records to give a more exact date of those rifle with serial number.
I have a M49R and the serial number is in plain site on the left side of the receiver. So as Mr. Dogs said I guess yours was before they started numbering them. I'm just about to order a rear site from the website he recommended to you.
It's hard to find details on Ithaca Model 49 ages, but if your gun has a serial number it's not among the very earliest (i.e., 1961). The very earliest ones had no serial number and had smooth dark walnut stocks. Later ones had serial numbers on the left side of the receiver, and the wood was gray elm in a lighter color and with pressed checkering. A lot of people want to call these checkered guns "Deluxe," but the true Deluxe had a gold hammer and trigger and, I think, a factory sling. So ... darker walnut means earlier, lighter elm means a little later. (The Model 49 was made 1961-1979, although some "expert sources" may disagree a bit on the age.) 2ff7e9595c